Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Copyright Office
New Delhi
Date: March 21, 2017
It is hereby notify for general information and more specifically for information
to concerned applicants who have applied for their copyright registration before
the Registrar of Copyrights, as per the annexed list that since they have failed
to reply/remove respective discrepancies despite repeated opportunity given to
them to remove the same both, by sending individual information through speed
post as well as by uploading it on official website of Copyright Office
(by extending the time limit thrice and lastly extended up to March 15, 2017)
their respective registration applications (as per list) are hereby
Recorded treating them as abandoned applications, with immediate effect.
However, the applicants are at liberty to apply afresh in respect of those works
which are Recorded as mentioned above.
This issue with the orders of the Competent Authority.
Discrepancy List: Download
Jagdish Swaroop
Licensing Officer & Deputy Registrar