Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Copyright Office
New Delhi
Date: August 11, 2017
It is hereby notified for general information to all the applicants/
concerned persons who have applied for their respective copyright
registration before the Registrar of Copyright, as per the list
annexed herewith and in respect of these, during process of scrutiny
some discrepancies were noticed by the office and consequently
discrepancy letters were issued to them to remove the discrepancies.
But as per status available on our records, the said discrepancies
are yet to be rectified.
It is therefore requested that all concerned applicants may remove the respective
discrepancies latest by 15-09-2017 positively, failing which it would be assumed
that the concerned applicant has abandoned his application and same shall be
Recorded without acknowledging any further correspondence in this regard.
However, the applicants may be at liberty to apply afresh.
This issues with the orders of the competent authority.
Discrepancy List: Download
Jagdish Swaroop
Licensing Officer & Deputy Registrar